Campfire and Panopticon were two sub worlds of The Answer, which itself was a sub world of Main World. To get there from our last location in the honeycomb, we could hit Esc four times: honeycomb to hollow willow, hollow willow to Field of Flowers, Field of Flowers to lobby, and lobby to Main World.
We could also right-click outside of the honeycomb, select This World and click on the button next to “Top level parent”, which would’ve teleported us directly to the lobby.

From there Main World was only one Esc away. Apart from player created Worlds (none beyond the four I created and which are being covered in this series), Main World consisted of a square, aptly called Square One, and four streets: Milky Way leading north, Memory Lane going east, Electronic Alley stretching south, and Sound Track trailing off west.

The Answer sat near the south-east corner of Square One.

From the direction of the fire came a voice.

When you went near it, it seemed instead to come from beyond the fire.

You could drink the ale.

And eat the stew.

Did I hear that right? North?

As you went north, the dark seemed to grow lighter.

A grassy hill came into sight.

Followed by something called a Panopticon.

Inside, another voice.

There appeared to be not much else for it but to follow the voice around.

I’m going to leave you hanging here, although not in some ill-conceived attempt at a cliffhanger, but simply because we’re already at nineteen screenshots and I thought I’d keep it under twenty.